Sunday 28 October 2007

Stars $100k guaranteed

Whilst looking through the blondepoker forum this morning I noticed a thread started by actionman who offered to stake 15-20 players in the stars $100k guaranteed tourney this evening with any wins split 50/50. Its $10+1 to enter which is above my usual stake online so I volunteered my services and the cash was transferred over and I'm now registered.

It usually gets about 18,000 players so the prize pool is about $180k with the top 3000 getting paid. I'm glad its a freeze out as it gives everyone a more equal chance than it would if it was a re-buy which just rewards those with deeper pockets. The 3000 starting chips and 10 min blinds is not a bad structure either. A load of the regulars on the laddies forum also enter this and one of the guys came 8th a few weeks ago which was an awesome performance. Its good fun playing the same tourney as others and posting bad beats, double ups and muffings on the forum and railing each other. So looking forward to it and will hopefully do as well as I did in my last big stars tourney, the blogger free roll.

I'll update later today or tomorrow.

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