Friday 21 March 2008

Another STT win

I played a $2 stt on laddies today as the $5 were taking a while to fill and I had an hour or so to kill and didn't want to wait around. Was a good decision as I managed to win it.

I didn't get many hands early on so was patient and let 2 donks knock themselves out in L1. It tightened up a bit after that and I won 1.9k with AK in level 2. Level 3 gave me KK and I won 1.3K after betting out on a QJ5 flop with 2 hearts. In level 4 I had 88 in the bb,and checked. The 653 flop with 2 diamonds was about the best I could hope for and I led out with 400. I got 3 callers! eek! A 3 on the turn and I bet 1K and got a caller. The Q on the river slowed me up and we checked it down and I won 4k.

We were down to the last 4 and one guy who had been a big chip leader but he had played almost every hand and was yo-yoing all over the place, sat out and was blinded out in 4th lol. I was pretty card dead as he lost his last 2k so there was no need to be stupid when I could afford to sit tight and make the money without having a real short stack.

Down to the last 3 and I had 9K vs 19k and 12k so not that bad. Again I was patient as the chip leader on my right was raising every hand. I just waited for a hand to go back over the top with. It came in the form of TT and I re-raised him to 2k. He went all in with 55 and I called. The 764 flop was scary but the A, 2, were bricks for him and I now had 15k and the chip lead. It was my turn to bully now and I raised in the small blind4 times in a row to take the big blind which he noticed and told me. I told him I had a hand every time lol

It took a while to get to last 2 and was a small 22k to 18k chip dog heads up. He proceeded to go all in pretty much every hand but I was patient. I waited till he didn't go all in and I had something half decent to re-raise him with and he started to get the message that I wasn't gonna throw my chips in and pray lol. In the end it all ended pretty quickly in 2 hands as he called with absolute crap and thankfully my hands held up. I would put the hand detail here if I could get them out of poker tracker! But whenever I have it open with the laddies software it always takes for ever then crashes. Only ever happens when the bag of shite that is laddies client is running, works fine with all other poker clients running! grrrrrr! lol Got it working now and the last 2 hands hands were K9 vs J4 and QJ vs 63. Both times he pushed after I raised preflop and both times he bricked. I guess he had live cards but he needed to hit and its not the kinda position I want to be in lol

Oh I almost forgot I played a $1 MTT on laddies yesterday as it had 1k added and was limited to 300. I came 155th lol

Challenge bankroll is now $252.75. The graph seems to have hit a plateau over the last month rather than going up but then again I haven't played much and at least its not going down.

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