Saturday 29 September 2007

Getting bored of this

In this session I was trying to play a few more hands rather than wait for big pairs but its the way the cards are going at the moment that even when I hit top pair or 2 pair, someone else flops trips or a straight lol

> stg86 posted big blind ($0.02)
> Frederikzen posted to play ($0.02)
> Game # 839,534,232 starting.
> Dealing Hole Cards(As Qc )
> paul1964 called for $0.02
> bombhead15 called for $0.02
> setdowsetdow sits down
> queen13, you have 10 seconds to respond
> queen13 called for $0.02
> miggy1966 folded
> richmagpies1 raised for $0.08
> Frederikzen called for $0.06
> maccer10 folded
> SkaBegonia called for $0.07
> stg86 called for $0.06
> paul1964 called for $0.06
> bombhead15 folded
> queen13 called for $0.06
> Dealing the Flop(Qd 10c Js )
> SkaBegonia checked
> stg86 bet for $0.10
> paul1964 folded
> queen13 folded
> richmagpies1 called for $0.10
> Frederikzen called for $0.10
> SkaBegonia called for $0.10
> Dealing the turn(8c )
> SkaBegonia checked
> stg86 bet for $0.06
> richmagpies1 called for $0.06 I guess I should have folded here but it was only 0.06 and the river could have iven me the nut straight
> Frederikzen called for $0.06
> SkaBegonia called for $0.06
> Dealing the river(3d )
> SkaBegonia checked
> stg86 bet for $0.12
> richmagpies1 folded
> Frederikzen called for $0.12
> SkaBegonia called for $0.12
> stg86 shows a Straight, King high
(Ks Qd Js 10c 9c )
> Frederikzen mucked
> SkaBegonia mucked
> stg86 wins $1.43 with a Straight, King high

And when I do throw away rubbish like 32, I hit trips and would have won the pot lol

> setdowsetdow posted small blind ($0.01)
> paul1964 posted big blind ($0.02)
> Game # 839,535,782 starting.
> Dealing Hole Cards(2h 3h )
> bombhead15 raised for $0.04
> queen13 called for $0.04
> miggy1966 folded
> richmagpies1 folded
> Frederikzen called for $0.04
> maccer10 called for $0.04
> SkaBegonia called for $0.04
> stg86 called for $0.04
> setdowsetdow folded
> paul1964 called for $0.02
> Dealing the Flop(6h Ah 3s )
> paul1964 checked
> bombhead15 checked
> queen13 checked
> Frederikzen checked
> maccer10 checked
> SkaBegonia checked
> stg86 checked
> Dealing the turn(10s )
> paul1964 checked
> bombhead15 bet for $0.02
> queen13 folded
> Frederikzen raised for $0.04
> maccer10 called for $0.04
> SkaBegonia called for $0.04
> stg86 folded
> paul1964 called for $0.04
> bombhead15 called for $0.02
> Dealing the river(3d )
> paul1964 checked
> bombhead15 checked
> Frederikzen checked
> maccer10 checked
> SkaBegonia checked
> paul1964 shows Two Pair, Fives over Threes
(5h 5s 3s 3d Ah )
> bombhead15 mucked
> Frederikzen shows Two Pair, Aces over Threes, with kicker card Queen
(Ac Ah 3s 3d Qd )
> maccer10 mucked
> SkaBegonia mucked
> Frederikzen wins $0.47 with Two Pair, Aces over Threes and kicker card Queen

This was the biggest pot i won in this session which about sums up the way the cards have been going recently....a massive $0.43 lol

> stg86 posted small blind ($0.01)
> 25111983 posted big blind ($0.02)
> Game # 839,520,558 starting.
> Dealing Hole Cards(Qs As )
> paul1964 called for $0.02
> queen13 folded
> gjk40 called for $0.02
> richmagpies1 raised for $0.08
> stevey21 folded
> stg86 folded
> 25111983 folded
> paul1964 called for $0.06
> gjk40 called for $0.06
> Dealing the Flop(8h Jh Qh )
> paul1964 checked
> gjk40 checked
> richmagpies1 checked
> Dealing the turn(4c )
> paul1964 checked
> gjk40 checked
> richmagpies1 checked
> Dealing the river(6c )
> paul1964 checked
> gjk40 bet for $0.06
> richmagpies1 called for $0.06
> paul1964 called for $0.06
> gjk40 shows One Pair, Jacks
(Jd Jh Qh 10d 8h )
> richmagpies1 shows One Pair, Queens, with kicker card Ace
(Qs Qh As Jh 8h )
> paul1964 mucked
richmagpies1 wins $0.43 with One Pair, Queens and kicker card Ace

Maybe I should just play looser like the muppets do, this guy re-re-raised all in with KJ! I would have won if I hadnt folded my AQ lol
> bo55m4n left the table
> tysken81 posted small blind ($0.01)
> ptomi65 left the table
> yanski posted big blind ($0.02)
> Game # 839,556,916 starting.
> Dealing Hole Cards(Ad Qc )
> mrbear69 folded
> richmagpies1 raised for $0.12
> Timansku raised for $0.88
> SkaBegonia went all-in for $1.18
> kj1981 sits down
> stg86 folded
> tysken81 folded
> yanski folded
> richmagpies1 folded
10 minutes to go until the $2,500 GTD $10 NLHE Rebuy. Register now.
> Timansku called for $0.30
> Dealing the Flop(3d Jh 3s )
> Dealing the turn(Ah )
> Dealing the river(6d )
> SkaBegonia shows Two Pair, Jacks over Threes
(Jd Jh 3d 3s Ah )
> Timansku mucked
> SkaBegonia wins $2.39 with Two Pair, Jacks over Threes

After that I really couldnt be bothered to play any more today and finished the session $0.42 down which is not too bad given the cards and the muppets on the table. Bankroll is now $11.64 which is a bit disappointing.

To be honest I'm starting to get a bit bored of this challenge and may call it a day and go back to playing stts and mtts instead. I think you get a much better standard of play than you do in cash but I'll wait and see.

I think I'll go and watch the final table of the EPT London instead and listen to the footy...much more fun methinks!

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