Wednesday 2 April 2008

More 3 outers on the river

I've had just about enough of this bloody game. Drives me crazy when you sit there playing patient poker, getting dealt shit hand after hand. I had 72 three times in a row twice and lost count of the number of times I got 94, 83, J5. So there I'm sat with about 6k, waiting for a hand, until I finally get KK on the bubble. I raise it up, get a caller and then of course the flop brings an A with another pair and a flush draw. The 2nd chip leader goes all in....what can you do but fold? You just know that if you call he will have an Ace. Guaranteed. No, no, I tell a lie, he will probably have a flush draw with which he is prepared to put 3/4 of his chips in with and will hit on the river. So I'm the short stack now and resigned to bubbling but wait with 7 bb left I get 99. Its an instant push under the gun and the chip leader on the button says 'K8' and we all know what is coming, yes, the river f*****g K to knock me out on the bubble. I've had about as much as I can take getting constantly f****d over by 3 outers or morons who call raises with A rag. Its only a $5 game but its just f*****g shite. Really. It is. I think I'll spend tomorrow doing something interesting rather than this b*****ks.

Oh I almost forgot that all through the game there were 2 c***s who obviously playing on the laddies 3d poker so every time they did one of the 'actions' with their character it was described in the chat box for those of us had not downloaded the 3d rubbish i.e. anyone who has an attention span greater than a 3 year old child. Congratulations for that Ladbrokes as I would hate to miss out on all the hilarity.....

Ahhhhhh! I feel better now!

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