Saturday 24 November 2007

Stats update

I think that keeping accurate and up-to-date records is the key to good bankroll management and similarly analysing your game and stats, as well as watching better players, is the best way to improve your game. I must also say that doing this blog is also a great motivator to playing your best as it feels good to post another positive report!

As I've said before I've been on a sick run in STTs and in the 23 I have played since starting the challenge I've had the following results:

Played - 23
Cashed - 17
Ist - 6
2nd - 6
3rd -5
4th - 4

ROI - %155.56
% in the money - 78.26%
Profit - $84

It's a shame I've only been able to play a few tourneys a week as I need to take advantage of this hot streak before it inevitably ends! It's great sitting down at the start of a tourney confident that you will cash and that if you are patient the hands will come and will stand up!

When I reach $150 profit I will move up to $5 stts as I will have 30 buy-ins which I feel is comfortable at this level. I played a couple of $5 stts on mansion a couple of weeks ago with $10 free money they gave me and finished 1st and 4th and from what I see I don't think that there is any big step up. I would move up now but I'm determined to be disciplined as I said at the start of the challenge!

Good luck at the tables!

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