Sunday 23 December 2007


I played another laddies high stack today but never really got going and came 5th.

I could tell it was going to be one of those days when I folded T8 under the gun and the flop came J97 lol. In level 3 I got QQ under the gun and my raise of 300 got folded round which was a shame. I raised3 00 with AK and my continuation bet on a A86 (2 clubs) took the pot. Whilst some may think that I could have won more if I had checked, I've seen too many flush chasers hit to give free cards when all I have is top pair! In level 5 I got AJd on the button and raised 800. The big chip leader called and we checked the KQ5 flop, and K turn. I called his 400 bet on the river 5 and he turned over the Q for a better 2 pair.

I was now the short stack and so pushed all in with K3 and 99 and won the blinds both times. The blinds were 200/400 and with just 2.2k left my A9 on the button looked good enough to push with. Unfortunately the small blind had AQ and the big blind 88 and the AQ flopped a diamond flush and i was gone.

Whilst these games with 3k chips appear not to be as 'crap shooty' as the usual stts with 1.5k chips, I think the fact that they are 10 hand blinds as opposed to 10 minute blinds makes a big difference in the later stages - 10 hand levels with only 4 or 5 players means the blinds can go up very quickly - much quicker than 10 minute blinds. I just hope laddies bring back the super deepstack stts which allow good poker quickly!

I dont know if I am gonna be bale to play many games over Christmas as we are either visiting friends/family or have friends over most days so I may not update for a week or so. In the meantime


The bank roll is now at $116.79

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