Sunday 13 January 2008

More stts today

I played 4 more $4.95 4 pay stts on poker trillion today and it was just bad beats and outdraws all round lol.

In the first game I had no cards really. In level 2 I got AA but all folded to my preflop raise of 250. We were on the bubble in level 4 and I re-raised all in for 1k with AQ and was called by QT. Thankfully there was no T and I doubled up to 2k. The same level I had A3 hearts in the small blind and pushed ai to get the big blind to fold. He called with 86 and although the flop brought 2 hearts I couldn't make my flush and was down to 700. Fortunately the bubble burst and so I was guaranteed my entry fee back and in level 6 I pushed with AQ and picked up the blinds. The last hand was when I pushed on the button with AJ for 1.2k. The blinds were 200/400 so an auto push. Unfortunately the blinds had AJ and KK and there was no A and I was gone in 4th place.

I think the standard in these games is pretty poor. I played a 2nd one and after winning 2.7k when I hit trip Aces and called an all in, I picked up AK. A donkey who had been raising all in preflop a lot does it again for 2k and I call. He turns over A3 for gods sake and of course the fucking donkey hits his 3 on the flop. Total moron play rewarded again and I'm out in 7th instead of being the chip leader. ARRRGGGHH! I guess I could have laid it down but with blinds at 150/300 and not getting any cards it was too good an opportunity to pass up. In these games with short blinds, you have to take a chance now and then and I played it perfectly and would make the same call every single time. Against morons all you can do is get your money in ahead I think, no point trying to out play them or be tricky as they just don't get it! Just saw the end of the game and the moron won of course! Oh in case anyone comes across him, the moron's name is kEVYN

Ok so thats $4.95 down for the day at the moment.

Played a 3rd stt and was card dead which doesn't help with the quick blinds. I had JJ first level and I raised 180. I got 1 caller and the flop was AK6 which is pretty awful for JJ and i folded to a pot size bet. I then never got a hand until I had about 600 chips left and we were on the bubble. i pushed with KJ on the button which was reasonable but the chip leader in the big blind called with Q6 and he hit 2 pair on the flop lol and I'm the bubble boy.

So that's $9.90 down for the day which is the winnings from yesterdays 2nd place finish.

However, I haven't had any cards today and would have cashed if it want for the bad beat in the second game.The standard is pretty awful as I said earlier and I can see no reason why i can't win consistently at this level as I am getting my chips in when ahead and have been unlucky a couple of times.

So i decide to play another stt and get KK first hand and hope to double up. I raise to 320 and get 2 callers. The flop is 742 with 2 hearts. I go all in and get a caller with AT hearts. Here we go and unsurprisingly the turn gives him an A and the river T to give him 2 pair! ffs it really pissed me off lol! So i was down $14.85 for the day after 4 stts. But I was ahead when I got my chips in every time and outdraws and donkeys getting lucky are something we all have to live with!

Anyway I was slightly tilting after the KK was busted so I decided to play some cash and probably blow the last of the free money I got yesterday. However, I pick up AA, 99, JJ and manage to win back $6 which was pretty good. It was then dinner time and it was probably a good time to quit anyway lol.

I came back after dinner and played some more 0.05/0.10 cash and after about 2 hours was up $4.06 after I doubled up with AA. Hardly seems worth it lol! Well at least the cash winnings recouped some of the stt losses!

Bankroll is now $134.17


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judge said...

hello m8 , ive had a bit of a blog reading session and am pleased to see yours still going and that you are in decent profit for your challenge , im not an stt player at all but your results and r.o.i do seem very good , very difficult to keep these going through the tough times but i hope u find that it is improving your game and is a great help to analyze bits and pieces as i found with mine , best of luck with it and hope to see u at the tables (final tables ofcourse ;) ) Judge