Saturday 12 January 2008

First game of 2008

I've been either ill with the flu or so busy at work that I haven't had time to play a game this year until today! I played on a new site today - Poker Trillion - which is part of the Boss network. I had an email from them offering me 10 euro ($15) free money without having to deposit if I signed up so I signed up being partial to free cash!

I decided to play an stt as its what I do best but was tempted to play cash given that it was free money....but resisted and fired up a 3.30 euro ($4.95 using a conversion rate of 1 eur0 = $1.50) pay 4 stt which is the lowest level they do although it is above my usual level. The blinds were 8 mins and you got 1.5k starting stack so not great but then again there is a lot worse out there!

The software is ok but the buttons are very small and you have to be careful as the 'fold' button is just below the 'call any' button if you want to click it before its your turn! I haven't found an 'auto muck' option yet which is annoying as when you win a hand you get the option to show or fold and I lost count of the times I sat there and watched the seconds tick away as the winner just let his clock run down instead of mucking. With 8 minute blinds if this happens every time then it can eat up a hell of a lot of time in each level!

On to the game, in level 2 I checked with 95 spades in the big blind and checked the flop which gave me a flush draw. The turn brought my flush and I bet out 200 and got a caller. I then bet a further 390 on the river and got paid off 1.6k. The next decent hand was QQ on the button and I raised 5 times the big blind to 250 and got a caller. The flop was K68 with 2 spades and I called a bet of 50 fearing the K. The turn was a 9 spades giving a flush, straight and over pair possibilities. Not what I wanted and my QQ was looking even more vulnerable when the original caller pushed instantly all in for 720. It was only level 2 so I laid the QQ down. Maybe I could have raised on the flop to see if he had a K?.

I was then card dead until level 5 when I hit a straight on the river with QT in the big blind. The perils of checking all the way to the river as my 400 river bet was paid off! I level 5 again I hit a flush on the river with T9 spades from the big blind and was pleased to call 1.3k putting myself all in on the 37T6A board and win 4.2k.

The bubble passed fairly quickly and I then knocked out the 4th place guy when I called his all in for an extra 255 with my T7 in the big blind. He had AJ but the flop was 44677 and my full house knocked him out in 3rd. the third place guy was knocked out by the chip leader and we were now heads up. I was a 6-1 chip dog with about 2.5k to 12.5k so wasn't expecting to win. However, i did come back pretty well and managed to get to 7k. I had AA twice but each time I limped preflop, he folded which was annoying! The last hand played itself as I hit 2 pair on the flop but unfortunately it gave my opponent trips and that was that as all the chips went in on the flop! Still pleased with 2nd place and $13.05

Bank roll is now at $123.79 (or $138.79 if we count the free $15!)

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