Friday 31 October 2008

Full tilt matrix tourneys

I've not played much this month just a few STTs but over the last week I've had a few days off (and when I have not been trying to get my new PC to work ARRGGGHHHH! been doing my head in!) i have played some of these new tourneys on Full Tilt.

Basically you pay one entry fee and then play 4 stts against the same people and score 1 point for outlasting a player, 2 points for knocking someone out and 2 bonus points if you win a game. You get cash for 1st, 2nd, 3rd in each game and then also cash for 1st, 2nd, 3rd in points overall.

You ain't ever gonna build a roll playing these but they are good fun and good practice for multi-tabling novices like me. I have yet to fail to cash in any game and in fact am cashing in about 50% of the individual tourneys.

The standard is pretty poor as it is at these low stakes but I think it is helping me with being aggressive - the blinds are 6 mins but go up quite gradually so there is a surprisng amount of play - especially when it gets to the bubble. Its also interesting keeping an eye on the leaderboard and you can use that to your adantage as people try to ladder up and may not risk going out if they will earn an extra point by outlasting a shorty.

My challenge bankroll is $363.64 at the moment which is heading in the right direction.